It doesn’t matter if you’ve been considering leaving Hotworx for a while or you just made the decision, this article shows you how to cancel Hotworx subscription easily.
Not using your Hotworx as frequently as you used to? Not loving the price you pay for a Hotworx subscription? Let us help you cancel your Hotworx subscription.
If you want to save a little on your Hotworx subscription, you might want to consider cancelling Hotworx membership. Follow the steps below to get rid of your Hotworx membership.
HOTWORX is a virtual training program designed to introduce users to the effectiveness of infrared heat absorption after 30 minutes of Isometric workout or 15-minute High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) session. Since infrared heat penetrates your body and causes you to sweat, the isometric poses further speed up detoxification via the physical removal of impurities from your body.
When you take any membership or subscription to a service, you often forget how to cancel it later on. If you want to cancel your Hotworx subscription, though, the bad news is it is very confusing and complicated for many.
Our article on how to cancel Hotworx subscription shows you the steps involved in canceling the Hotworx membership and the things you should keep in mind before doing it.
How to Cancel Hotworx Subscription: Complete Guide
If you enroll in the Hotworx membership plan, your membership will automatically renew on a monthly basis.
The cancellation must be made at least 60 days in advance, sent by certified mail to the facility the member is enrolled in, or completed in person at the facility. Scroll a little further down to read our guide on how to cancel Hotworx subscription.
- It is possible to cancel your Hotworx subscription by submitting a written request to cancel to the studio before midnight on the third business day following the date you signed the contract.
- You can deliver the notice personally or send it by registered mail to the studio near you.
- In the case of hand deliveries, you must collect a written cancellation form from the studio.
- Within 15 days of receiving the notice, they will return any payment made by you in connection with the contract.
- If you make use of the studio services or facilities, a fee may be charged based on the number of days used.
If you are looking for a Hotworx studio in your area, you can find it by clicking here
Hotworx Membership Cancellation Policy
- To re-enroll Hotworx after you cancel your Hotworx membership, you will be charged full enrollment and the current monthly installment rates. Additionally, the terms will change. There is also a 60-day cancellation period after the initial term is completed.
- If you wish to cancel before the preliminary period ends, there will be a $99 cancellation fee, and you will no longer be able to access additional services. So take advantage of all of the perks until then. Don’t forget to take advantage of all of the services before the preliminary period ends.
- You can reach out to for any other queries and doubts regarding Hotworx Subscription/membership cancellation policy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I cancel my Hotworx subscription?
Until the third business day after signing the contract, you can cancel your Hotworx subscription by sending a cancellation notice to Hotworx studio.
How much Hotworx membership cost?
Members of the “Sweat Everywhere” subscription can work out at any of Hotworx’s locations nationwide for $69 per month. With a monthly fee of $59, the “Sweat Here” membership permits unlimited access to a specific studio.
Can you use Hotworx membership anywhere?
With Hotworx’s Sweet Everywhere membership, the studios can be used anywhere in the US. If you have “Sweat Here” membership you can’t.
Does Hotworx have a contract?
Once you enroll in Hotworx membership, the subscription will renew automatically each month. If you want to cancel Hotworx subscription, you can do it 60 days before the renewal date.
Is Hotworx bad for you?
Hotworx is not a gimmick. Hotworx sessions are definitely worth trying. But it is not for everyone, and you should make sure your medical condition permits you to take Hotworx membership.
Is Hotworx effective?
Most of the reviews on the internet say YES and it may be beneficial to someone who works a non-traditional schedule.
Whether you want to save money, don’t want the service, or no longer like the virtually instructed, infrared sauna workouts offered by the Hotworx program, it’s time to cancel your Hotworx subscription.
I hope our guide on how to cancel Hotworx subscription/membership helped you. If you have any queries comment down below.